"Definitely include Jan Miller's Pitcher Perfect workshop in the future. She's terrific, and was a great help in pulling together our pitch. It's amazing how much better the pitches of the groups from the workshop got as a result of Jan's precise and constructive criticism."
-Rick Minnich (Hoferichter & Jacobs, Germany)

"We arrived having spent much time writing and rehearsing our pitch, and preparing clips. The first morning of the pitch workshop we delivered our pitch and saw all kinds of problems. Over the next two days, working with Jan and our colleagues in the workshop, we improved it, focused it and learned a great deal about how to pitch and about our project specifically. The pitch workshop puts your project in a pressure cooker, and boils it down to its essence."
-Steven Bognar, USA.

"Jan Miller's coaching did much more than get ScaredSacred funding (which it certainly did!) Her guidance challenged me to fully articulate and refine my vision, and propelled the film forward in a signficant way. ScaredSacred has gone on to win 8 major awards, including the Canadian Academy Award (Genie) for best documentary, and I sincerely thank Jan for coming in at that crucial formative stage of the project, and steering us in a clear, powerful direction. She is an inspiration!"
-Velcrow Ripper, director, ScaredSacred
www.scaredsacred.org Canada

"The pitch workshop was extremely valuable. Especially for those of us who were pitching for the first time. It also had the unexpected benefit of creating a valuable support network."
- Dugald Maudsley (Infield Fly Productions, Canada)

The pitch workshop was absolutely terrific - affordable, enjoyable and very worthwhile."
-Kerry Herman (Stonebridge Productions, Australia)

"Jan Miller not only helped us shape a winning pitch, but she also helped us to find direction in our film. With Jan's help, ARMY OF ONE was commissioned by the BBC and went on to win best feature documentary at Hot Docs."
-Erik Paulsson, Red Storm, Canada

"I really believe that my work with you made all the difference in the world in how my pitch went. I was the last pitch of the last day and I couldn't have been more pleased by the response. My work with you had me so centered and focused on what were the important things to communicate and it worked! Also, your advice on which clip to show was right on the money. Many people around the table responded very well to the footage…you have such invaluable information and coaching to give!”
-Carol Ciancutti-Leyva, Director/Producer, USA, Absolutely Safe

“Jan Miller’s Pitching Workshop at the Sithengi Film Festival (Cape Town, South Africa) had a profoundly positive impact on our local industry. Here she put key local players (producers and screenwriters) through the rigours of pitching our projects and honing our presentational skills prior to an International Co-production forum. Jan’s rare gift for story, the psychology of selling and her knowledge of International Film and Television are simply remarkable. I’ve been fortunate to attend workshops with the likes of Linda Seger (US), Syd Fields (US) and Clare Downs (UK). In my opinion Ms Miller ranks with the very best. Her ability to nurture others, fine-tune creative ideas combined with her sharp wit both empowered and instilled in us all the savvy required when pitching to the money. Outside of the workshop Ms Miller was also instrumental in attracting a co-production partner to one of my projects. Today The Three Amigos is a multi award wining Global PSA campaign translated into over 40 languages, thanks in no small part to Ms Miller’s generous intervention.”
-Brent Quinn, Producer/Writer Quintet, South Africa

“Whilst feeling a bit like the guy in a chicken suit who arrives at a black tie function expecting it to be a fancy dress, the pitch went extremely well. I lost a bit on the timing and had to rush the storylines but 'A well presented pitch' was the final comment. So a big thank you from me. We have interest from Discovery, Arte - France and PBS…”
-Dafydd Llyr James, Boomerang Productions, Wales

“Kiku and I wanted to give you an update regarding our pitch at the Toronto Documentary Forum…The response from around the table and from others in the room was beyond our expectations! We received interest from several American broadcasters as well as Canada, Germany, France and Australia. After the pitch other participants/observers remarked how they were moved by our piece and our presentation…. Your coaching abilities coupled with your understanding of the current pulse of the marketplace provided us with invaluable insight and advice What could we say except that we had you, Jan Miller, to thank!”
-Kimi Iwata Rømming & Kiku Lani Iwata, Tara Entertainment Ojai, USA

“There is no question in my mind that having worked with you was huge asset for me...You brought your experience and intelligence to the table without pandering and with incredible good spirit and grace. It is the kind of back up that is damn hard to find in this game. …My hat's off to those who designed it so well, including making you a part of the scheme."
- David Brisbin, Director, Canada

“I can’t thank you enough for the guidance you gave me in shaping my New Players Pitch pitch...Dozens of people approached me over the next day to tell me that they really connected with the story. … As I said, the next time I have a project to pitch I’ll save myself 40 hours and hire you to help from the beginning.”
- Donna Barker, Adisen Productions, Canada

“I just wanted to thank you again for your support and encouragement at Hot Docs with my documentary "100% Woman" (about the transgendered cyclist). I also want to share the good news that we got confirmation today that we received Telefilm EIP support - in a VERY competitive round… I wanted to share the happy news, because you were a part of making it all happen...
-Diana Wilson, Producer/Director Canada)

“Just a quick note to thank you for putting on the Jan Miller "Pitch Perfect" workshop yesterday…I went into the workshop feeling somewhat fearful (that's the reason I took it - to face my pitching fears head on!) and Jan was positive, encouraging and honest and created a relaxed informal atmosphere that was very supportive. I left feeling inspired and with a good grounding in new skills to take me forward.”
-Neil Every, Canada

“Please forward our extreme thanks to Jan Miller for the outstanding precise feedback and heartfelt encouragement for out project. I cannot overstate how helpful she was. I know both myself and Sue would love to have more access to this kind of pointed feedback, guidance and support.”
-Sam Fisher, Producer, Director, Canada
Export Ready Testimonials
"It was a pleasure … spending the better part of the day in the International Pitch and Play session. …. It was a fantastic program and confirmed our lifelong learning experience is very alive and well!"
- Ted Crouch, Acoustic Avenue Music Agency
There have been so many highlights from Jan's workshops over the past few years. It's very special to watch artists who feel they lack "pitching" skills, overcome their fears and concerns after spending a short while in Jan's class. Personally, I have seen artists like Jill Barber and John Mullane (In Flight Safety) use the techniques and deliver great meetings. None has surpassed what we have recently witnessed with Meaghan Smith. Meaghan, an unsigned, unreleased artist with a truly great recording took part in Jan's program at the last Atlantic film festival. Following the workshop, Meaghan signed herself up for high level one on ones, and though she had no showcase that weekend, was able to engage several players from Los Angeles in her 15 minute meetings. So engaging was she, that we were able to parlay those meetings into an industry showcase less than 2 months later at LAs famed Viper room, where an unheard of 79 guests attended to hear her play a short set. A feeding frenzy has ensued, with music being passed from one heavyweight to another. Labels, publishers, booking agents, music supervisors---all engaged. It continues at this writing-----hard to say what the end result would be, but no question, it was Meaghan's taking in Jan's workshop and putting what she learned to immediate use, when it all began to "get out of control". - Mickey Quase
Just wanted to thank you for inviting me into the training session on Saturday at the WCMAs. The workshop was fabulous and offered some very concrete, specific feedback that made an almost immediate difference in my approach to marketing myself. Not sure if I included that in my feedback form but I wanted you to know how valuable the day was!
-singer/songwriter Carrie Catherine http://www.carriecatherine.com
I attended a day long Export Development Session during the ECMA's and could not have been more satisfied. The session featured a wealth of advice from long time industry professionals. The hands on, interactive approach of the session kept it interesting and gave the participants the opportunity to experience a virtual "pitching" experience in a supportive atmosphere prior to being thrown back in with the "sharks"! The techniques I learned in the session gave me the confidence needed to make the most out of my one on one meetings with international delegates later on that weekend. Knowing how to make music is only half the battle. Take this opportunity to learn how to get it heard!
-Devon Stang Slowcoaster
I just wanted to send you an email and let you know how AMAZING my week with the Inspired Music Program was. I was so nervous when I went in that first day but you and your sweet personality just put me right at ease! Your presentation was so totally helpful. The notes you handed out at the end are also so great, I'm keeping them in my files!
- singer/songwriter Meaghan Smith
The Export Readiness Training Pitching Workshop is an excellent export preparedness resource for artists and companies to further enhance their communication, presentation and skill set training. These interactive sessions provide participants with a wealth of knowledge and the tools necessary to take advantage of one-on-one business meetings and export opportunities. Jan's unique approach and innovative delivery keeps the sessions interesting and provides participants with the opportunity to experience a virtual "pitching" experience in a supportive atmosphere.
-Shelley Nordstrom, Nojo Music
"…thank you for the brilliant workshop that you gave in St. John's."
- Mary Barry, Newfoundland